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Senior Adult Ministry (V.I.P)

Senior adults are a vital part of the ministry of Southside each week. They serve and minister in all sorts of different ways whether preparing meals, making quilts, teaching classes, or caring for those sick. They participate on mission trips, plan trips for the purpose of fellowship together, and have a monthly gathering specifically for those in the senior season of life. There's no retirement when it comes to serving the Lord, and our senior adult ministry is eager to love people and minister in whatever ways they can. 

VIP Monthly Fellowship
Last Thursday of each month
Location: Family Life Center

Potluck lunch, speaker, and time of fellowship

For more info, contact Judy Phillips



Senior adults serve in all sorts of ministries within the life of our church. From service meals on Wednesday nights, to participating in mission trips, to teaching children and preschool, our seniors understand the time the Lord has given to them to serve Him and the congregation. 


At 8:45am on Sunday mornings, we offer Senior Adult class options where you can participate in Bible study, prayer, and build relationships with others in your season of life. 

For more info, contact Bill Dillman, SS Director


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