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Preview the study guide for Week One

Marriage is Great, But it's not Forever

This seven session Bible study series, based on the book You and Me Forever from best-selling author Francis Chan and Lisa Chan, will challenge you to view your marriage like never before. These seven inspiring videos will help you dive deeper into the content of the book as you explore themes like:

  • It's until death do us part. Then comes eternal rewards or regrets depending on how we spent our lives.

  • While we cannot allow lesser things to destroy our marriages, we also cannot allow marriage to distract us from greater things.

  • A jealous God asks us to pursue Him first and most. Then life makes sense, and everything falls into its proper place.

  • Love, laughter, and intimacy were all created to be enjoyed. So there is a way to love family deeply without ignoring heaven.

  • It all comes down to our focus.

  • Jesus was right. We have it all backwards. The way to have a great marriage is by not focusing on marriage.

You and Me Forever Registration 

Complete the form below to reserve your spot for you and your spouse to participate in this study. 

Thanks for registering! You will receive an email notification that you are registered for this class. We will begin on JANUARY 28 at 5pm


1213 W. Bypass

Andalusia, Alabama 36420

334.222. 4300



8am to 5pm

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